Books I've bought...
Have you been to the International Book Fair 2009 at PWTC recently? Well, I have. Why not? I mean, this IS my annual FAVOURITE event of the year! For those who doesn’t even know about this event yet, well let me inform you that this event will last another 2 more days, that is tomorrow and Sunday – last day. So, what are you waiting for? There are hundreds of book publishers participating in this year’s event. Some publisher’s even gave a discount up to 25%! You can get many kinds of books here (academic and non-academic), some educational products (like Besta Dictionary) and a lot, I mean a LOT of magazines here (Malay and English). So, tomorrow’s a public holiday, why don’t you just take a peek to PWTC and see what’s happening there. And There will be a lot of crowds there tomorrow, I promise you. I already went there this evening (and that was my 2nd time) and bought several items. I’m listing down all the books I’ve bought during the Book Fair this year, so I won’t forget
Books I’ve Bought:
1. Easy Steps to Functional Arabic – RM15
2. Cosmopolitan (2 books – outdated issues) – RM5 x 2 = RM10
3. Senaman Silat Jiwa Sihat untuk Semua – RM 23
4. Spanish Made Easy – RM 15
5. Tesaurus Bahasa Melayu Dewan – RM41
6. Buat Duit Dengan Blog – RM14.50
7. Tips Menjadi Penulis Bestseller – RM28
8. Various Magazines (from Karangkraf booth) – RAPI (2), Majalah PC (3), Klik (2), Impiana Dapur (1) and Anjung Seri (2) – RM30
P/s: Hmm! Seeing as I’ve list down the books, it seems that I’d spent quite a lot at the book fair. Well, at least it’s ONCE a year, right?
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