Rhett Butler adalah seorang kekasih yang amat pandai memujuk dan merupakan seorang lelaki yang didambakan oleh setiap wanita. Beliau adalah suatu watak di dalam sebuah novel yang sarat dengan kekuatan, kebijaksanaan, dan kedinamikan yang diselitkan dengan daya tarikan beliau yang penuh misteri. Keunikan inilah yang sentiasa berjaya menawan hati setiap golongan wanita yang membaca buku tersebut. Namun begitu, beliau mungkin tidak dapat digambarkan tanpa suatu watak protagonis di dalam novel tersebut, yang juga merupakan buah hati beliau iaitu Scarlett O’ Hara. Watak Scarlett tidak menggambarkan sifat-sifat kewanitaan yang sopan, di samping suka bermegah-megah, licik dan narsisistik; mempercayai bahawa tiada sesiapapun di dalam dunia ini yang boleh dibandingkan dengan kekuatan, semangat, kelincahan dan daya tarikannya. Justeru, beliau adalah pasangan Rhett Butler yang paling sepadan.
Namun, kualiti-kualiti Scarlett inilah yang telah menjadi beberapa sebab utama di dalam kelangsungan hidupnya di dalam menghadapi pelbagai kesusahan dan kesukaran semasa golongan Yangki menyerang Amerika Selatan. Peristiwa tersebut jugalah yang telah mengubah sikapnya kepada Scarlett yang tidak mempunyai sifat belas kasihan, empati mahupun kasih sayang kepada orang lain selain daripada dirinya sendiri dan Ashley Wilkes, iaitu cinta lamanya. Scarlett menyangkakan bahawa Ashley adalah merupakan satu-satunya lelaki yang akan dicintainya. Namun, Ashley Wilkes telah berkahwin dengan sepupunya, Melanie yang merupakan seorang wanita yang benar-benar mempunyai pertimbangan dan rasa tanggungjawab; di samping bersifat penyayang, penuh belas kasihan, memahami dan juga pintar. Namun, wataknya agak berbeza dan membosankan berbanding dengan Scarlett.
Apa yang membuatkan Scarlett terlalu marah dengan Ashley adalah hakikatnya bahawa beliau telah memilih seseorang yang agak membosankan berbanding dengan dirinya yang sungguh bersemangat dan dinamik. Ia telah menjadi suatu pukulan kepada egonya…namun demikian, beliau masih yakin bahawa beliau mencintai Ashley walau apa-apapun yang telah berlaku seperti perkahwinan Ashley dan juga perkahwinannya sendiri dengan beberapa orang lelaki lain. Apa yang gagal difahaminya adalah bahawa egonya sendiri yang tidak sanggup untuk melepaskan Ashley; dan bahawa beliau benar-benar sepadan dengan Rhett Butler yang amat mencintainya sepenuh hati, walaupun Scarlett sentiasa dikelilingi oleh sifat-sifat negatifnya.
Pada suatu ketika yang tertentu, Scarlett akhirnya berkahwin juga dengan Rhett Butler, namun hanya disebabkan oleh kekayaaan lelaki itu semata-mata. Rhett amat menyedari hakikat tersebut, namun beliau langsung tidak mempedulikannya. Saat yang menjadi perubahannya muncul apabila kedua-duanya kehilangan anak perempuan mereka, Bonnie, yang terlalu disayangi oleh Rhett. Inilah satu-satunya peristiwa yang telah merubah kehidupan mereka dalam sekelip mata, di mana tiada apa yang dapat menghalang Rhett daripada meninggalkan Scarlett bersendirian bersama-sama dengan dirinya sendiri, ego dan sifat negatif yang ada pada dirinya. Walaupun pada akhirnya Scarlett menyedari juga bahawa dia amat mencintai Rhett, namun, segala-galanya telah berakhir baginya. Kata-kata terakhir Rhett pada Scarlett adalah, “Sayangku, saya sudah tidak peduli sedikitpun”. Kata-kata itu diungkapkan semasa Rhett meninggalkan Scarlett sendirian; sambil merayu-rayu dan meraung di dalam rumahnya dan apabila Rhett beredar dari situ, Scarlett berkata pada dirinya sendiri, “Saya tidak boleh memikirkannya sekarang. Jika tidak, saya akan menjadi gila. Saya akan memikirkannya esok”.
Secara ringkasnya, novel ini adalah menjadi bacaan yang wajib kepada mereka yang berminat untuk membaca suatu kisah percintaan yang luar biasa yang ditokok tambah dengan realisme dan pragmatisme secara telitinya.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009 | 0 Comments
Book Review : Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (Harry Potter Dan Putera Kacukan
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince adalah merupakan sebuah novel bersiri pengembaraan tulisan J.K. Rowling yang ke-6 yang menceritakan tentang perjalanan Harry Potter setelah 6 tahun beliau belajar di Sekolah Ilmu Sihir dan Kepintaran Hogwarts.
Kini, Harry Potter berusia 16 tahun dan bersedia menghadapi peristiwa-peristiwa baru yang akan merubah hidupnya, termasuklah kebolehan untuk mengendalikan dan mengambil kelas-kelas yang sesuai bagi suatu persediaan bagi dirinya untuk bekerja sebagai seorang Auror (suatu jawatan yang bertanggungjawab untuk mencari dan melawan sihir jahat). Dalam perjalanan, Harry serta rakan-rakannya memahami erti kedewasaan, dengan cinta monyet yang mekar di sekeliling mereka. Tetapi, bukan itu sahaja.
Sementara itu, Harry mensyaki bahawa Draco Malfoy, seorang pelajar pada tahun yang sama sedang bekerja dengan rapat dengan Voldemort, merancang suatu rancangan yang akan membahayakan mereka semua. Harry meluangkan banyak masa untuk menunjukkan bahawa Malfoy bersalah, walaupun kedua-dua rakan baiknya, Ron Weasley dan Hermoine Granger menentang idea tersebut.
Dalam perjalanannya, guru posyennya, Professor Slughorn dengan tidak sengaja telah memberikan Harry sebuah buku teks yang mengandungi petua-petua menghasilkan posyen dan sihir-sihir serta tangkal yang tidak pernah diketahui. Harry mendapati buku tersebut pernah dimiliki oleh seorang pelajar yang memanggil dirinya “Putera Kacukan”. Harry tidak menyedari bahawa dia sebenarnya telah bertemu dengan pelajar tersebut, dan pelajar itu juga telah menjadi sebahagian besar daripada hidup Harry.
Menerusi kaedah penyelidikan magis, Harry dan Dumbledore mendedahkan suatu teka-teki yang membongkar misteri di sebalik Lord Voldemort dan kepulangannya yang mustahil ke dunia sihir (beliau disangka telah terbunuh sekian lama dahulu semasa Harry dilahirkan). Bersama-sama, Harry dan Dumbledore melakukan suatu pengembaraan untuk mendapatkan kembali sebuah objek yang berkemungkinan dapat membantu mereka untuk menewaskan Voldemort.
Apabila kembali semula ke sekolah, mereka mendapati bahawa Death Eaters telah datang ke Hogwarts, yang membawa kepada suatu pertempuran yang besar. Beberapa kebenaran telah terungkai, dan Harry bersumpah bahawa dia akan melakukan segala-galanya untuk menewaskan Voldemort, untuk siri buku 7 yang seterusnya.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009 | 0 Comments
Book Review : The Volumetrics Weight-Control Plan
Watch out weight watchers out there! This is a book that will enlighten you on how to < span>lose weight without having to eat less. Instead, you can shed down some weight while eating more. The Volumetrics Weight- Control Plan ia a scientifically proven program written by Barbara Rolls and Robert A. Bartnett. and is the first book that explores the science of satiety in helping anyone control their eating habits. A diet that cuts down on the calories by simply consuming less food would only lead to pangs of hunger and a sense of deprivation. This is where satiety plays an important part. Satiety is a feeling of fullness after any serving of food and thus, you won’t feel hungy anymore.In order to achieve a volumetrics weight-control plan, you have to consume a satisfying amount of food that meets the nutrient requirements and also controlling the level of calories. This is the fundamental strategy in Volumetrics. Furthermore, this book will also explore several other important topics such as how to lose weight and keep it off, what to eat and drink, how to achieve a healthy life and the satiety lifestyle.
Maybe you are curious to know about how on earth we can feel full while consuming only a satisying amount of food and still take in fewer calories? Well then, in order to know that, you have to understand the principle of energy density. An energy density of a food is the ratio of calories to the weight of food and this means that in general, portions that weighs more are also bigger in volume. For example, if you plan to consume 100 calories, you can eat a ¼ cup of raisins or nearly 2 cups of grapes.
Butter, which is a high- fat food, are very energy dense. Do you know that two teaspoons of butter have the same number of calories as a slice of bread? For example, you can choose to eat French bread with two teaspoons of butter with an energy density of 4.0 for one slice per serving; or on the other hand, you can eat French bread without butter with an energy density of 2.75 for two slice per serving. Always bear in mind that a high energy density food provides a large amount of calories in a small weight while a low energy density food tends to have fewer calories for the same weight. Therefore, make the right decision and choose wisely. Your weight is on the line.
What’s more, this book also explore the five major component of diet which is Fat, Carbohydrates, Protein, Alcohol and Water and what they can do to your body. You can also make use of the energy density spectrum (including calories) for a wide variety of foods. These charts can be extremely useful to those who wishes to lose weight while eating more, and not eating less. To top it all, there is also a Menu Plan included in this book. You can create your own weight management program by referring to this helpful Menu Plan which is based on the principles of volumetrics. The authors offer 60 sensible, tasty, and easy recipes that includes an integrated program of exercise as well as behaviour management.
So, what are you waiting for? I suggest that you buy this book and make it a catalyst in assisting you in losing weight. Or your excess fat. Trust me, you have nothing to lose. Happy reading!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009 | 0 Comments
Book Review : Little Women
‘Little Women’ is a great classical novel written by Louisa M. Alcott in 1868. The story revolves around the wonderful journey of the March’s sisters named Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy from their adventurous childhood right until their womanhood life. In short, it is about this four girls growing up with their mother while their father is away to fight in the American War Between the States. Despite having to live in impoverished surroundings and lacking monetary riches, they managed to keep each other happy and joyful all the time. Each of the four siblings has its own unique character: Meg, the oldest at sixteen, is quite beautiful and friendly and also the most sensible of the lot, and the one who always tries to follows her mother’s footsteps; while Jo, a year younger that her sister, is a bit of a tomboy who tries to take on the man’s responsibility in the family while at the same time loves writing stories and plays; Beth, the second youngest is a quiet girl, and very shy loving; and finally Amy, the youngest of the lot who always strive to act refined and elegant despite her young age. Then, there were Laurie, the lonely boy next door who befriended by Jo.
As the five grow up, they take pleasure in many activities that strengthened their imaginations and friendships. In the transition of moving from childhood to womanhood, romances blooms, and hard times as well as illness hit the family time and again. And as time goes by, the sisters start their new lives as wives and even mothers. Through it all, the sisters experience many valuable lessons that will transform their lives forever.
For those who read this book, the may find that they will experience moment of laughter, amusements, enragement and also tears which are inevitable. This is a joyful book that should be in the possession in every young girl's heart. It tells the story of hope, friendships, romance and ultimately, the love a family brings.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009 | 0 Comments
7 Perkara Yang Dilarang Selepas Makan, Berwaspadalah Bagi Mengekalkan
1.Jangan merokok – eksperimen yang dijalankan oleh pakar membuktikan bahawa menghisap rokok sesudah makan adalah bersamaan dengan menghisap 10 batang rokok (peluang untuk mendapat kanser adalah tinggi)
2.Jangan terus memakan buah-buahan – Memakan buah-buahan sebaik sahaja selepas makan akan menyebabkan perut kembung kerana dimasuki angin. Oleh itu, makanlah buah-buahan 1- 2 jam selepas sesuatu hidangan atau 1 jam sebelumnya.
4.Jangan longgarkan tali pinggang anda – Melonggarkan tali pinggang sesudah makan dengan mudahnya akan menyebabkan usus berpusing dan amp tersekat
5.Jangan mandi - Mandi akan menyebabkan peningkatan aliran darah ke tangan, kaki dan badan, justeru jumlah darah disekeliling perut akan menurun. Ini akan melemahkan sistem penghadaman di dalam perut kita.
6.Jangan berjalan-jalan – Biasanya orang akan mengatakan bahawa berjalanlah seratus langkah sesudah makan dan anda akan hidup sehingga berusia 99 tahun. Hakikatnya, ini adalah tidak benar. Berjalan akan menyebabkan sistem penghadaman tidak berupaya untuk menyerap nutrien daripada makanan yang dimakan.
7.Jangan terus tidur – Makanan yang dimakan tidak akan dapat dihadam dengan sempurna. Ini akan membawa kepada keadaan gastrik dan jangkitan di dalam usus kita.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009 | 0 Comments
Bagaimana untuk mengetahui jika seorang lelaki itu menyukai anda!!!
Jika si dia merenung tepat-tepat ke arah anda apabila dia bertanyakan suatu soalan, ini biasanya bermakna bahawa dia sukakan anda, dan si dia cuba memberitahu anda sesuatu dengan matanya. Dia juga mungkin akan bercakap lebih lembut dengan anda berbanding dengan orang lain, untuk menunjukkan suatu perasaan yang sensitif.
Jika si dia memerhatikan anda walaupun anda sedang bercakap dengan orang lain, dia mungkin sukakan anda. Cuba fikirkan melampaui akal logik anda. Jika anda fikir bahawa si dia sedang memerhatikan anda atau jika anda fikir bahawa si dia berkelakuan terlalu baik pada anda, si dia mungkin sukakan anda. Ingat bahawa budak lelaki tidak akan bermain-main tanpa sesuatu sebab, melainkan si dia adalah seorang lelaki yang teramat ramah.
Jika seorang lelaki meletakkan tangannya pada paras pinggang anda, apabila anda sedang berjalan dengannya, ini bermakna bahawa dia akan memeluk anda. JANGAN berasa takut dan peluklah dia kembali. Rangkul kedua-dua tangan anda pada lehernya (jangan terlalu erat) dan peluklah dia dengan lembut dan ramah. Pada ketika itu, si dia akan menyedari bahawa mungkin dia memerlukan seseorang seperti anda untuk membuatkan hari-harinya bermakna.
Jika anda berasa selesa dengannya dan dia juga berasa begitu, ini mungkin bermakna bahawa dia sukakan anda ... atau ia juga mungkin membawa maksud bahawa si dia terlalu selesa dengan anda sehinggakan dia menganggap anda sama seperti mana-mana rakannya yang lain. Jika si dia berasa gemuruh berada dengan anda, ia mungkin bermaksud dia sukakan anda ATAU mungkin juga ia bermaksud bahawa si dia tidak suka berada dengan anda.
Jangan mencari sebarang alasan untuk berada hampir dengannya, kerana si dia mungkin merasakan ianya menjengkelkan dan merimaskan.
Cuba untuk jangan menjadi terlalu menjengkelkan; anda boleh menjadi lantang dan bermain-main, tetapi jika tiba di suatu tahap di mana percakapan anda menjadi terlalu lantang sehinggakan si dia menunjukkan air muka yang aneh kepada rakan-rakan anda, anda berkemungkinan akan menyebabkan si dia pergi dari situ.
Jika si dia memandang anda dan kemudiannya memandang ke tempat lain dengan cepat, kemudian tersenyum atau mukanya menjadi merah padam, maka sudah tentunya ia bermaksud si dia sedang cuba menunjukkan minat.
Mulakan perbualan dengan si dia. Budak lelaki sukakan budak perempuan yang mereka boleh berbual dengan mudah, jadi cuba jadikan diri anda menarik dan jangan lupa untuk membuat hubungan mata!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009 | 0 Comments
3 DOORS DOWN - "It's Not My Time"
Looking back at the beginning of this
And how life was
Just you and me loving all of our friends
Living life like an ocean
But now the current's only pulling me down
It’s getting harder too breath
It won’t be to long and I will be going under
Can you save me from this?
Cause it’s not my time I'm not going
There's a fear in me it’s not showing
This could be the end of me
And everything I know
Oh but I won’t go
I look ahead to all the plans that we made
And the dreams that we had
I'm in a world that tries to take them away
Oh but I'm taking them back
Cause all of this time I've just been too blind to understand
What should matter to me
My friends this life we live, it’s not what we have
It’s what we believe in
Cause it’s not my time I'm not going
There's a fear in me but it’s not showing
This could be the end of me
And everything I know
But it’s not my time I'm not going
There's a will in me and now I know that
This could be the end of me
And everything I know
Oh but I won’t go
I won’t go
There might be more than you believe
(There might be more than you believe)
There might be more than you can see
But it’s not my time I'm not going
There's a fear in me it’s not showing
This could be the end of me
And everything I know
But it’s not my time I'm not going
There's a will in me and now it’s gonna show
This could be the end of me
And everything I know
There might be more than you believe
(There might be more than you believe)
There might be more than you can see
But I won’t go
No I won’t go down
Sunday, April 26, 2009 | 0 Comments
Awasi Selesema Babi!
Terkini, dunia dikejutkan dengan berita penularan wabak terbaharu yang melanda negara Mexico, iaitu wabak selesema burung atau H1N1. Pada ketika ini juga, wabak tersebut telahpun menular ke Amerika Syarikat dan Canada. Sehubungan dengan itu, Malaysia juga sedang di dalam langkah berjaga-jaga agar tidak dijangkiti oleh virus tersebut. Ikuti petikan artikel daripada Berita Harian di bawah ini untuk maklumat lanjut:
Pantau selesema babi
Oleh Khairul Azran Hussin
Kerajaan laksana empat langkah serta-merta hadapi wabak landa Mexico, AS, New ZealandKUALA LUMPUR: Kerajaan melaksanakan empat langkah serta-merta bagi memantau dan menghadapi risiko wabak selesema babi yang kini melanda Mexico dan Amerika Syarikat serta mula menular ke New Zealand, semalam.
Menteri Kesihatan, Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai, berkata pihaknya sudah mengarahkan Bahagian Kawalan Penyakit di kementerian supaya mengaktifkan bilik gerakan bagi memantau penyakit itu yang sudah mengorbankan 81 penduduk Mexico.
Serentak itu, katanya, semua pengamal perubatan termasuk di sektor swasta diarah memaklumkan kepada pejabat kesihatan daerah serta-merta jika wujud kes yang mempunyai tanda-tanda seperti dijangkiti penyakit itu.
"Kementerian Kesihatan juga sudah mula bekerjasama dengan Jabatan Imigresen untuk membuat saringan terhadap pelancong dari luar negara dan rakyat Malaysia yang pernah melawat Mexico, California atau Texas, Amerika Syarikat selepas 17 April lalu.
"Selain itu, kita juga akan memaklumkan menerusi media massa dari semasa ke semasa mengenai perkembangan wabak berkenaan serta langkah pencegahan yang perlu diambil bagi mengelak ia merebak ke negara ini," katanya ketika dihubungi di sini semalam.
Agensi berita antarabangsa melaporkan, selain 81 yang maut akibat selesema babi di Mexico, 12 kes baru wabak itu sudah disahkan di Amerika Syarikat iaitu di Kansas, California dan Texas, manakala New York turut dikhuatiri terjejas.
Sementara itu, buat pertama kalinya semalam, pihak berkuasa di New Zealand mengesahkan 10 pelajar negara berkenaan yang baru pulang dari Mexico menghidap selesema babi dan terpaksa dikuarantin sebagai langkah berjaga-jaga.
Pertubuhan Kesihatan Sedunia (WHO) pula melaporkan 854 kes selesema babi dikesan di Mexico sehingga memaksa pihak berkuasa negara itu menutup sekolah, muzium, perpustakaan dan teater serta membuat saringan di semua pintu masuk dan keluar.
Laporan WHO itu juga menyebut kebanyakan kes selesema babi yang disebabkan virus H1N1 - yang menggabungkan genetik babi, burung dan manusia, berlaku di kalangan golongan yang berumur 45 tahun ke bawah.
Sehubungan itu, sebagai langkah tambahan, Liow turut meminta semua rakyat Malaysia yang pernah ke Mexico, Texas atau California selepas 17 April lalu, segera membuat pemeriksaan perubatan bagi memastikan mereka bebas penyakit itu.
"Adalah penting untuk kita segera mengesan semua rakyat negara ini yang pernah pergi ke tempat berlakunya wabak itu bagi membolehkan kementerian memastikan bahawa virus berkenaan tidak masuk ke negara ini.
"Kementerian memandang serius terhadap risiko selesema babi kerana WHO sudah memberi amaran bahawa virus berkenaan boleh merebak dan menyebabkan kematian dengan cepat," katanya.
Ditanya, kemungkinan kerajaan akan mengeluarkan larangan untuk rakyat negara ini berkunjung ke negara yang dilanda wabak itu, Liow berkata setakat ini tiada arahan daripada WHO untuk semua negara berbuat demikian.
Sementara itu, Ketua Pengarah Kesihatan, Tan Sri Dr Ismail Merican, menasihatkan rakyat di negara ini supaya tidak cemas dengan situasi yang berlaku kerana Malaysia sudah bersedia sepenuhnya menghadapi kemungkinan risiko penularan sebarang penyakit berjangkit.
Beliau berkata, pengalaman yang diperoleh ketika menguruskan wabak penyakit berjangkit seperti Japanese Encephalitis (JE), Sindrom Pernafasan Yang Teruk (SARS) dan selesema burung sebelum ini boleh digunakan bagi memperkukuhkan sistem pengawasan.
"Kementerian mengambil serius perkara ini dan memberi jaminan negara mempunyai sistem mengesan virus terbabit dengan pantas, mengetahui puncanya dan mengawal penularan," katanya selepas merasmikan Persidangan Pertubuhan Ortodontik Malaysia (MAO), di sini.
-Sumber: Berita Harian
Sunday, April 26, 2009 | 0 Comments
Del Amitri - Roll To Me
Look around your world pretty baby
Is it everything you hoped itd be
The wrong guy, the wrong situation
The right time to roll to me
Look into your heart pretty baby,
Is it aching with some nameless need.
Is there something wrong and you cant put your finger on it
Right then, roll to me
And I dont think I have ever seen a soul so in despair
So if you want to talk the night through
Guess who will be there?
So dont try to deny it pretty baby,
Youve been down so long you can hardly see
When the engines stalled and it wont stop raining
Its the right time to roll to me
Look around your world pretty baby
Is it everything you hoped itd be
The wrong guy, the wrong situation
The right time to roll to me
Sunday, April 26, 2009 | 0 Comments
David Cook - “Light On”
Never really said too much (Chorus) You know we’ve been down that road [Chorus] Sometimes it feels like we’ve run out of luck [Chorus]
Afraid it wouldn’t be enough
Just try to keep my spirits up
When there’s no point in grieving
Doesn’t matter anyway
Words could never make me stay
Words will never take my place
When you know I’m leaving
Try to leave a light on when I’m gone
Something I rely on to get home
One I can feel at night
A naked light, a fire to keep me warm
Try to leave a light on when I’m gone
Even in the daylight, shine on
And when it’s late at night you can look inside
You won’t feel so alone
What seems a thousand times before
My back to a closing door and my eyes to the seasons
That roll out underneath my heels
And you don’t know how bad it feels
To leave the only one that I have ever believed in
When the signal keeps on breaking up
When the wires cross in my brain
You’ll start my heart again
When I come along
Sunday, April 26, 2009 | 0 Comments
This time, I wonder what it feels like
To find the one in this life, the one we all dream of
But dreams just aren't enough
So I'll be waiting for the real thing, I'll know it by the feeling
The moment when we're meeting, will play out like a scene
Straight off the silver screen
So I'll be holding my own breath, right up 'til the end
Until that moment when, I find the one that I'll spend forever with
Cause nobody wants to be the last one there
Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares
Someone to love with my life in their hands
There's Gotta Be Somebody for me like that
Cause nobody wants to do it all on their own
And everyone wants to know they're not alone
There's somebody else that feels the same somewhere
There's gotta be somebody for me out there
Tonight, out on the street, out in the moonlight
And dammit this feels too right, it's just like deja vu
Me standing here with you
So I'll be holding my own breath, could this be the end
Is it that moment when, I find the one that I'll spend forever with
Cause nobody wants to be the last one there
Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares
Someone to love with my life in their hands
There's gotta be somebody for me like that
Cause nobody wants to do it all on their own
And everyone wants to know they're not alone
There's somebody else that feels the same somewhere
There's gotta be somebody for me out there
You can't give up, looking for a diamond in the rough
You never know,when it shows up, make sure you're holding on
Cause it could be the one, the one you're waiting on
Cause nobody wants to be the last one there
And everyone wants to feel like someone cares
Someone to love with my life in their hands
There's gotta be somebody for me, oh
Nobody wants to do it all on their own
And everyone wants to know the night alone
There's somebody else that feels the same somewhere
There's gotta be somebody for me out there
Nobody wants to be the last one there
Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares
There's somebody else that feels the same somewhere
There's gotta be somebody for me out there
Sunday, April 26, 2009 | 0 Comments
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- diiklankan pada 24 April 2009
- gaji : RM1700-2500
- no tel. - 0
3. MC Success Marketing (part time only)
- diiklankan pada 24 April 2009
- no tel. -
- lokasi - Pandan Indah
4. NobelKidz Idea Sdn Bhd (Admin cum Graphics Designer)
- diiklankan pada 24 April 2009
- no tel. - 03-80761948.
5. AA Design Communication Sdn Bhd (Perak)
- diiklankan pada 22 April 2009
- no tel. -
6. QAP Sdn Bhd (Kuala Lumpur)
- diiklankan pada 22 April 2009
- email -
- no tel. -
7. asasjey sdn bhd (Kedah)
- diiklankan pada 20 April 2009
- email
- no tel. -
Good Luck!
Saturday, April 25, 2009 | 0 Comments
Jawatan Kosong: Kerani Akaun di Klang
Di bawah ini adalah merupakan iklan yang dipetik daripada laman web pada 25 April 2009)Jenis Kerja : Kerani Akaun
Gaji : Sila nyatakan gaji yang diminta.
Status : Tetap (Percubaan 3 bulan)
Masa Kerja : Isnin - Jumaat (8.30 pagi - 5.00 petang)Sabtu (8.30pagi - 1.00 tgh hari)
Tempat Kerja/Pejabat : Klang, Selangor
Syarat :
1) Perempuan sahaja.
2) Mempunyai sekurang-kurangnya Sijil Dalam Perakaunan tetapi calon yang tidak mempunyai sijil tetapi berpengalaman akan dipertimbangkan. Keutamaan akan diberikan kepada calon yang mahir dalam mengunakan UBS System.
3) Mempunyai kenderaan sendiri adalah satu kelebihan.
Kepada yang berminat, sila hantarkan resume anda kepada
1) email ke alamat
2) atau fax ke no 03-3348 8654
Sekian, terima kasih
Saturday, April 25, 2009 | 0 Comments
She Will Be Loved - MAROON 5
Beauty queen of only eighteen
she, had some trouble with herself
He was always there to help her
she, always belonged to someone else
I drove for miles and miles,
and wound up at your door
I’ve had you so many times but,
somehow I want more
I don’t mind spending everyday,
out on your corner in the pouring rain
Look for the girl with the broken smile
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile
And she will be loved
She will be loved
Tap on my window, knock on my door
I, want to make you feel beautiful
I know I tend to get so insecure
It doesn’t matter, anymore
It’s not always rainbows and butterflies
It’s compromise that moves, us along, yeah
My heart is full and my door’s always open
You can come anytime you want
I know where you hide
Alone in your car
Know all of the things that make you who you are
I know that goodbye, means nothing at all
Comes back and begs me to
Catch her every time she falls
Tap on my window knock on my door
I want to make you feel beautiful
I don’t mind spending everyday
Out on your corner in the pouring rain, ohh….
Look for the girl with the broken smile
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile
And she will be loved
She will be loved
So hard to say good bye…
Saturday, April 25, 2009 | 0 Comments
Ku membiusku dengan cinta
Cinta yang malu kukatakan
Kau membiusku dengan cinta
Sampai aku tak bisa berkata
Kau membius sampai aku jadi sering melamun
Memikirkan kita bisakah bersama
Aku bius Cinta
Cinta yang tak ada tandingan
Namun mungkin tak ada tandingan
Entah ku tak tahu…
Kita yang malu hati untuk mengakui saling cinta
Usaha sekeras hati bersama selamanya
Aku dibius cinta…
Ku membiusku dengan cinta
Cinta yang malu kukatakan
Kau membius sampai aku jadi sering melamun
Memikirkan kita bisakah bersama
Aku bius Cinta
Cinta yang tak ada tandingan
Namun mungkin tak ada tandingan
Entah ku tak tahu…
Kita yang malu hati untuk mengakui saling cinta
Usaha sekeras hati bersama selamanya
Aku dibius cinta…
Aku dibius cinta…
Aku dibus cinta…
Saturday, April 25, 2009 | 0 Comments
Ayat-ayat Cinta - Rossa
Desir pasir di padang tandus
segersang pemikiran hati
terkisah ku di antara cinta yang rumit
bila keyakinanku datang
kasih bukan sekadar cinta
pengorbanan cinta yang agung
ku pertaruhkan
maafkan bila ku tak sempurna
cinta ini tak mungkin ku cegah
ayat-ayat cinta bercerita
cintaku padamu
bila bahagia mulai menyentuh
seakan ku bisa hidup lebih lama
namun harus ku tinggalkan cinta
ketika ku bersujud
bila keyakinanku datang
kasih bukan sekedar cinta
pengorbanan cinta yang agung
ku pertaruhkan
repeat reff
ketika ku bersujud
Saturday, April 25, 2009 | 0 Comments
Books I've bought...
Have you been to the International Book Fair 2009 at PWTC recently? Well, I have. Why not? I mean, this IS my annual FAVOURITE event of the year! For those who doesn’t even know about this event yet, well let me inform you that this event will last another 2 more days, that is tomorrow and Sunday – last day. So, what are you waiting for? There are hundreds of book publishers participating in this year’s event. Some publisher’s even gave a discount up to 25%! You can get many kinds of books here (academic and non-academic), some educational products (like Besta Dictionary) and a lot, I mean a LOT of magazines here (Malay and English). So, tomorrow’s a public holiday, why don’t you just take a peek to PWTC and see what’s happening there. And There will be a lot of crowds there tomorrow, I promise you. I already went there this evening (and that was my 2nd time) and bought several items. I’m listing down all the books I’ve bought during the Book Fair this year, so I won’t forget
Books I’ve Bought:
1. Easy Steps to Functional Arabic – RM15
2. Cosmopolitan (2 books – outdated issues) – RM5 x 2 = RM10
3. Senaman Silat Jiwa Sihat untuk Semua – RM 23
4. Spanish Made Easy – RM 15
5. Tesaurus Bahasa Melayu Dewan – RM41
6. Buat Duit Dengan Blog – RM14.50
7. Tips Menjadi Penulis Bestseller – RM28
8. Various Magazines (from Karangkraf booth) – RAPI (2), Majalah PC (3), Klik (2), Impiana Dapur (1) and Anjung Seri (2) – RM30
P/s: Hmm! Seeing as I’ve list down the books, it seems that I’d spent quite a lot at the book fair. Well, at least it’s ONCE a year, right?
Friday, April 24, 2009 | 0 Comments
Vacancy in Terengganu
Job Description : The Test & Inspection Engineer provides technical support for assuring the integrity and reliability of piping, vessels, heat exchangers and pressure relief devices. The engineer develops and assists in the implementation of Risk Based Inspection, preventive and predictive maintenance programs. He / She is also responsible to lead and coordinate all DOSH activities that are related to the integrity and reliability of static equipment as well as other equipment required DOSH’s approval to ensure full compliance in accordance with OPTIMAL Standard as well as Local Act and Regulations.
Job Requirements : Possess degree in Engineering from recognized university with 5 years experience in similar capacity.
• Possess 3 years experience hands on activities on Risk Based Inspection program.
• Possess knowledge in Inspection Code and Standard Practice.
• Familiar with Factory Machineries Act 1967, (Act 139); FMA (Steam Boiler and UPV) regulations, 1970; FMA (Electric Passenger and Good Lift) regulations, 1970; FMA (Notification, Certificate of Fitness and Inspection) regulations, 1970.
• Experienced in dealing with DOSH for plant inspection.
Work Location: Terengganu
Please visit this website for further detail -- > Website: E-mail:
Thursday, April 23, 2009 | 0 Comments
Know your Body Type!
– have a round and soft physique and much of the mass is store in the belly area
– big bones, round face, thick writs, wide hips, slow metabolism
– body fat is easily stored, thus this body type have a high number of fat cells, making fat loss even more difficult
– have a tendency to gain weight very easily and finds it hard to lose it
– the best diet for this body fat is to burn fat effectively by increasing metabolism rate and perform exercise within the target heart rate zone but for a longer period, and consume vegetables and fruits regularly
– not skinny or fat; have muscular body
– have well-defined muscles, large bones, wide shoulders and small waist
– this body type is usually athletic and hard body with a low body fat percentage
- the bones and muscles of the head are prominent
- have an increased metabolism, unlike endomorphs
- have an excellent posture, mature muscle mass and gains muscle easily
- have a thin and linear appearance, with light bones, slight muscle and small joints
- generally have long neck, fingers, and toes
- skins skin tends to burn easily.
- narrow shoulders, waist and hip
- low body fat and have trouble gaining weight due to very high metabolism rate
- lightly muscled and takes longer to gain muscle
Wednesday, April 22, 2009 | 0 Comments
Does night eating makes you gain extra weight?
To tell you the truth, this one question was constantly playing on my mind time and again (partly because I am one of those individuals who have a tendency to munch on a snack or two at midnight ).. So, I’ve decided to do a little bit of research to unveil this significant issue. And what do you know, I finally came up with this conclusion, ‘eating at night doesn’t necessarily make you fat’ . But anyway, you have to take into consideration that this just my conclusion, your own research results may vary.
You may be wondering about why I dare to make such a statement? Well, I will share with you about what I’ve learned so far:
Why night eating makes us gain weight?
- our body metabolism is at its lowest peak at night, therefore the food we consume at night will be slowly digested, then store in the body as extra fat
- our metabolism is slowest while we are sleeping
- if we are less active at night, then we will burn fewer calories
- needless to say, we will gain extra weight if we consume a large meal with a high level of carbs intake just before to going to bed
Why night eating may not make us gain weight?
- there are other primary factors to consider such as our calorie intake and energy balance for the day. If you are caloric deficit (meaning, if your body lacks calorie for the day), you may as well lose fat while eating at night!
- fat loss is speed up if you eat less at night (meaning, we can still eat at night!) and consume your last meal at least two hours before bedtime
- if we exercise or do a little bit of training before consuming any meal at night, the food we eat is very unlikely to be converted into fat because it will be use for our body recovery process (muscle repair and growth process)
- excess calories will be stored as fat over time, regardless of whether they are taken in during the day or night
All in all, I’ve concluded that our meal timing is not important, be it in the morning, evening or night, because the only vital thing to consider in order to lose weight is to take in just enough calories which your body requires daily. If you consume more calories that your body burns in a day, well, then you will likely to gain extra weight, no matter what time you consume your food!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009 | 0 Comments
A Few Useful Tips before starting on a diet
Before going on a diet, there are several tips or guidelines that you should adhere to, just so that you WILL able to see visible results after doing all of that tough dieting stuffs. Listed below are some of the basic tips that you can follow before starting your diet regime:
• Drink plenty of plain water because water is essential for your diet as well as for good health. Plus, water doesn’t contain any calorie. Drink at least 8 full glass of water daily. Avoid alcoholic drink
• While shopping for food product, learn to read the food labels pasted on the product. This labels informs you about nutrition information contain in each product. Be sure to buy product which has less calories and fat.
• Try not to eat at night time or before going to sleep. But, if you’re a night time-eater, remember to eat at least 2 hours before going to sleep
• Stop eating before you feel full. Don’t continue eating just because you want to finish the leftover. Remember this saying, “Eat to live, not live to eat”
• Exercise regularly. Try to do a at least a 30-minute workout each day. Exercise combines with cutting down on fat will make you see the difference within a few months.
• Try to eat plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables and grains. Avoid fatty foods such as fast foods, frozen foods, donuts, cakes ….and the list goes on and on…
• Don’t eat meals while at the same time you are doing some other activities e.g., watching TV, reading newspaper, listening to music and etc. Take a time to enjoy your eating while doing nothing. Eat slowly and do it while sitting down, not standing, thus your attention would be more focus on a single activity.
• You can eat up to 5-6 healthy meals per day, each in a SMALLER portion, that is. Eating many meals a day can help boost your metabolism which in turn can burn more calories. Do not let your body starve
• Avoid frying your food, instead try baking, steaming, stewing, broiling or roasting. This method of cooking will help remove fat
• Don’t ever skip breakfast because that meal is the most important meal of the day. Eating breakfast is good for weight loss. Skipping breakfast will make you feel tired and hungry and tends to make you consume more food during lunch time
Wednesday, April 22, 2009 | 0 Comments
Kunyit – Anugerah Semulajadi untuk Manusia
Komponen utama sesuatu makanan itu adalah bijirin, buah-buahan dan sayur-sayuran. Makanan inilah yang menghasilkan pembentukan darah dan tulang di dalam tubuh seseorang itu, yang mana akan membawa kepada fungsi-fungsi tubuh badan yang sempurna. Organ-organ yang berfungsi dengan sempurna akan menjadikan kehidupan kita sihat. Di dalam turutan ini, produk-produk herba dan semulajadi juga adalah amat berguna. Dengan rahmat daripada Tuhan, kita mempunyai pelbagai produk herba dan semulajadi yang lain untuk merawat penyakit, memperbaiki kesihatan kita dan membantu di dalam pertumbuhan mental kita. Dengan menggunakan produk-produk semulajadi tersebut, kita boleh mengatasi masalah-masalah kesihatan dan menjalani kehidupan yang lebih lama daripada kebiasaan. Setelah melakukan kajian terperinci mengenai alam semulajadi, pakar perubatan teragung iaitu Charak (daripada India Kuno) bersama dengan pembantu-pembantunya, telah membuat kesimpulan bahawa kebanyakan daripada herba-herba semulajadi memiliki keupayaan yang besar untuk merawat penyakit-penyakit yang amat serius. Dan mereka juga telah menyusun penyelidikan- penyelidikan mereka ke dalam bentuk kertas. Jika kita mengikuti idea-idea serta cara menjalani kehidupan tersebut, maka kehidupan kita boleh menjadi lebih sihat daripada sekarang. Namun, telah menjadi nasib malang kita kerana tidak memberikan sebarang perhatian terhadap ilmu pengetahuan kuno tersebut. Di dalam Allopath, adalah dianggap bahawa sebab utama kepada sesuatu penyakit adalah kerana kumannya. Jika kita memusnahkan kumannya, kita boleh menyembuhkan penyakit itu. Tetapi jika kita memusnahkan kuman itu, sesetengah mikroorganisma badan yang penting juga akan turut termusnah, yang mana sebaliknya, akan memudaratkan badan kita. Untuk mengelakkan kemudaratan tersebut, alam semulajadi telah memberikan kita banyak penyembuh-penyembuh semulajadi. Di antaranya adalah Kunyit.
Kunyit adalah digunakan untuk menyembuhkan kebanyakan penyakit-penyakit di rumah. Demam selesema, batuk dan sebagainya lagi, kesemuanya boleh disembuhkan dengan menggunakan Kunyit di rumah-rumah kaum India tradisional. Para sanintis juga turut mengkaji kunyit di dalam makmal mereka yang serba lengkap dan mereka telah membuktikan bahawa kunyit:
1. Anti-bakteria
2. Anti-ameba
3. Anti-histamina
4. Anti-radang
5. Anti-oksidaan
6. Anti-reumatik
7. Anti-flatulen
8. Mengurangkan penyakit kencing manis
9. Meningkatkan kepekatan jus hempedu, yang mana dapat membantu menghadam makanan dengan sempurna
10. Ia mengurangkan kolestrol yang hadir di dalam arteri koronari
11. Ia mengurangkan tekanan darah
12. Ia boleh menyembuhkan kebanyakan daripada penyakit-penyakit respiratori
Fakta-fakta saintifik tersebut serta petikan-petikan daripada kitab suci kita telah membuktikan dengan jelas bahawa Kunyit adalah merupakan suatu ubat yang penting dan berguna.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009 | 0 Comments
7 perkara yang dilarang selepas makan, berwaspadalah untuk mengekalkan kesihatan yang baik
1. Jangan merokok – eksperimen yang dijalankan oleh pakar membuktikan bahawa menghisap rokok sesudah makan adalah bersamaan dengan menghisap 10 batang rokok (peluang untuk mendapat kanser adalah tinggi)
2. Jangan terus memakan buah-buahan – Memakan buah-buahan sebaik sahaja selepas makan akan menyebabkan perut kembung kerana dimasuki angin. Oleh itu, makanlah buah-buahan 1- 2 jam selepas sesuatu hidangan atau 1 jam sebelumnya.
3. Jangan minum teh – Kerana daun teh mengandungi kandungan asid yang tinggi. Bahan ini boleh menyebabkan kandungan protein di dalam makanan yang dimakan akan menjadi keras, justeru ianya lebih sukar untuk dihadam
4. Jangan longgarkan tali pinggang anda – Melonggarkan tali pinggang sesudah makan dengan mudahnya akan menyebabkan usus berpusing dan amp tersekat
5. Jangan mandi - Mandi akan menyebabkan peningkatan aliran darah ke tangan, kaki dan badan, justeru jumlah darah disekeliling perut akan menurun. Ini akan melemahkan sistem penghadaman di dalam perut kita.
6. Jangan berjalan-jalan – Biasanya orang akan mengatakan bahawa berjalanlah seratus langkah sesudah makan dan anda akan hidup sehingga berusia 99 tahun. Hakikatnya, ini adalah tidak benar. Berjalan akan menyebabkan sistem penghadaman tidak berupaya untuk menyerap nutrien daripada makanan yang dimakan.
7. Jangan terus tidur – Makanan yang dimakan tidak akan dapat dihadam dengan sempurna. Ini akan membawa kepada keadaan gastrik dan jangkitan di dalam usus kita.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009 | 0 Comments
Jawatan Kosong di Lembaga Muzium Terengganu, Losong
Assalamualaikum ,
Buat makluman semua, terdapat jawatan kosong di Lembaga Muzium Terengganu, Losong yang telah diiklankan pada 25 Mac 2009. Tarikh tutupnya adalah 30 April 2009. Masih belum terlewat! Jawatan yang ditawarkan adalah seperti demikian:
1. Penolong Kurator
2. Penolong Pegawai Penyiasat
3.Ahli Fotografi
4. Pembantu Muzium
5. Pembantu Tadbir
6. Juruteknik Komputer
7. Pegawai Khidmat Pelanggan
8. Tukang
Untuk maklumat lanjut, sila layari laman web
Semoga Berjaya!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009 | 0 Comments
List of Scam Companies in Malaysia
Hi Readers especially those from Malaysia,
Below I pasted a list of scam companies retrieve from this website --> Although this article was last updated on 4-September-2008, but I think this is important for all of us who are trying to find extra jobs or part time jobs during this economic regression. Well, read on and feel free to comment...
1. Company Name:
Location: WebSite
Contact: WebSite
2. Company Name: Global Master Management
Location: 8.16, 8th floor, Wisma Cosway, Jln Raja Chulan, KL
Contact: 03-2034 1686, 03-2031 4166
3. Company Name: Cobra Group PLC
Location: B-2-15, Megan Avenue II,
Jalan Yap Kwan Seng,
50450, Kuala Lumpur.
4. Company Name: Scott Fitzgerald Group Ltd
Location: Taiwan
Contact: +886 2 8758 2824
5. Company Name: TFS Creation Network
Location:suite 533 & 535, 5th floor,
Wisma Goldhill,
67, Jalan Raja Chulan,
50200 Kuala Lumpur
Contact: 03-20765161, 03-20765195, 012-3121945
6. Company Name: Mega Access Resources Sdh Bhd
Location:7-23, 7th Floor, Imbi Plaza
Contact: Lin, Amy
7. Company Name:
Location: web
Contact: web
8. Company Name: First Selection
Location:10-5-2, Prince Avenue Blk 10, Jln Bayam, Cheras
Contact: Mr. Aiman
9. Company Name: Grand Paramount Enterprise
Location: Pan Global building, 10th floor unit 2, lorong p.ramlee.
10. Company Name :Solor vision network
Location :Jalan Ampang Wisma Central (level 5)
Contact person :Pn Fatin
Contact Number :03-21663270
11. Company Name:
Location: Singapore
Contact: 0264058867
12. Company Name: Top Universal Pyramic Enterprise
Location: Lot 1008, 10th Floor, Wisma Complex Selangor,
Jalan Sultan, 50000 Kuala Lumpur
Contact: 03-2026 5100 / 2078 8217 / 2072 8180
13. Company Name: H@rry Business Solution
14. Company Name: Multi Sources Management (MSM)
Location: B-2-14, Megan Avenue II, Jalan Yap Kwan Seng, KL
Contact: 03-21635092, 21633808, 21625659
15. Company Name: Success Zone Solution
Location: Central Plaza, Jalan Sultan Ismail
Contact: 03-21474629 En. Jazman
Tuesday, April 21, 2009 | 0 Comments
Ako dihukum denda, penjara kerana khalwat
KUALA LUMPUR: Pelakon yang popular menerusi drama Sephia, Ako Mustapha, dikenakan hukuman denda RM3,000 dan penjara tiga bulan bermula hari ini oleh Mahkamah Rendah Syariah Gombak Timur selepas mengaku bersalah atas tuduhan khalwat, dua tahun lalu.
Peguam Ako, Zuri Zabudin bagaimanapun memohon mahkamah membenarkan penangguhan penjara terhadap tertduh dibenarkan.
Hakim Syarie, Wan Mahyuddin Wan Muhamad membenarkan permohonan itu dan memerintahkan Zuri memfailkan rayuan hari ini.
- Sumber: Berita Harian
Tuesday, April 21, 2009 | 0 Comments
A Few Useful Tips before starting on a diet
Before going on a diet, there are several tips or guidelines that you should adhere to, just so that you WILL able to see visible results after doing all of that tough dieting stuffs. Listed below are some of the basic tips that you can follow before starting your diet regime:
• Drink plenty of plain water because water is essential for your diet as well as for good health. Plus, water doesn’t contain any calorie. Drink at least 8 full glass of water daily. Avoid alcoholic drink
• While shopping for food product, learn to read the food labels pasted on the product. This labels informs you about nutrition information contain in each product. Be sure to buy product which has less calories and fat.
• Try not to eat at night time or before going to sleep. But, if you’re a night time-eater, remember to eat at least 2 hours before going to sleep
• Stop eating before you feel full. Don’t continue eating just because you want to finish the leftover. Remember this saying, “Eat to live, not live to eat”
• Exercise regularly. Try to do a at least a 30-minute workout each day. Exercise combines with cutting down on fat will make you see the difference within a few months.
• Try to eat plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables and grains. Avoid fatty foods such as fast foods, frozen foods, donuts, cakes ….and the list goes on and on…
• Don’t eat meals while at the same time you are doing some other activities e.g., watching TV, reading newspaper, listening to music and etc. Take a time to enjoy your eating while doing nothing. Eat slowly and do it while sitting down, not standing, thus your attention would be more focus on a single activity.
• You can eat up to 5-6 healthy meals per day, each in a SMALLER portion, that is. Eating many meals a day can help boost your metabolism which in turn can burn more calories. Do not let your body starve
• Avoid frying your food, instead try baking, steaming, stewing, broiling or roasting. This method of cooking will help remove fat
• Don’t ever skip breakfast because that meal is the most important meal of the day. Eating breakfast is good for weight loss. Skipping breakfast will make you feel tired and hungry and tends to make you consume more food during lunch time
Tuesday, April 21, 2009 | 0 Comments
Everyday Activities To Lose Weight!
Do you know that our everyday activities such as sleeping, watching television or even reading also contribute towards losing weight (even if only for a few calories)? Well, after surfing into various health webites/blogs, I have list down several activities that most of us do each day. Then, you can make use of the list to calculate how much you are burning fats or calories even while doing the simplest chores. But before you continue reading, one more important fact that you should know is that calories amounts listed below are only an estimation. It doesn’t take individual characteristics into account such as gender, weight, age and muscle mass.
Activities / Calories Used
1. Sleeping – 60 calories/per hr
2. Pushing a cart up and down the supermarket aisles – 243 calories/per hr
3. Eating (sitting down) - 70calories /30-min
4. Kissing – 36 calories/30-min
5. Reading/Sitting/Watching TV – 75 calories/ per hr
6. Doing computer work and some other brain work – 110 calories/ per hr
7. Folding clothes – 30calories/ 30-min
8. Taking a bath - 65calories/ 15-min
9. Driving (in moderate to heavy traffic) – 120 calories/ per hr
10. Sewing (using a sewing machine) – 80 calories/ per hr
11. House painting – 1,026 calories/ per 3 hr
12. Sexual intercourse - 108 calories/ per hr
13. Riding bicycle - 108 calories/ per hr
14. Ironing – 153 calories/ per hr
15. Walking – 130 calories/ per hr
16. Shopping (mall) – 135 calories/ per hr
17. Shopping (grocery) – 90 calories/ per hr
18. Ballroom dancing – 145 calories/ per hr
19. Dusting (house) – 80 calories/ 30-min
20. Standing in line – 100 calories / per hr
21. Stretching – 230 calories / per hr
22. Horseback Riding – 130 calories / per hr
23. Swimming (continously) – 130 calories / per hr
24. Playing skateboards – 275 calories / per hr
25. Cooking – 228 calories / per hr
26. Aerobic Dance (low impact) – 385 calories / per hr
27. Aerobic Dance (high impact) – 440 calories / per hr
28. Step Aerobic – 400 calories / 30-min
29. Professional bowling – 400 calories / 30-min
30. Playing badminton – 345 calories / per hr
31. Playing squash – 650 calories / per hr
32. Jogging (5 miles) – 600 calories / 30-min
33. Jump rope – 480 calories / per hr
34. Washing dishes – 153 calories / per hr
35. Talking (on the phone) / Reading – 72 calories / per hr
36. Washing car – 100 calories / 30-min
Tuesday, April 21, 2009 | 0 Comments
Jason Mraz Feat. Colbie Caillat - Lucky
Do you hear me,
I’m talking to you
Across the water across the deep blue ocean
Under the open sky, oh my, baby I’m trying
Boy I hear you in my dreams
I feel your whisper across the sea
I keep you with me in my heart
You make it easier when life gets hard
I’m lucky I’m in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
Ooohh, ooooh, oooh, oooh,
Oooh ooh ooh ooh
They don’t know how long it takes
Waiting for a love like this
Every time we say goodbye
I wish we had one more kiss
I’ll wait for you I promise you, I will
I’m lucky I’m in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
Lucky we’re in love every way
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed
Lucky to be coming home someday
And so I’m sailing through the sea
To an island where we’ll meet
You’ll hear the music fill the air
I’ll put a flower in your hair
Though the breezes through trees
Move so pretty you’re all I see
As the world keeps spinning round
You hold me right here right now
I’m lucky I’m in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
I’m lucky we’re in love every way
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed
Lucky to be coming home someday
Oooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
Ooooh, ooooh, oooh, oooh,
Oooh, ooh, ooh, ooh.
Friday, April 17, 2009 | 0 Comments
Agnes Monica ~ Matahariku
OST sinetron TV Jelita, ciptaan Cheylash Yuandromeda AY alias Yuan Passer
Artis (Band): Agnes Monica / Yuan Passer
Tertutup sudah pintu pintu hatiku
Yang pernah dibuka waktu hanya untukmu
Kini kau pergi dari hidupku
Ku harus relakanmu walau aku tak mau
Berjuta warna pelangi didalam hati
Sejenak luluh terhening menjauh pergi
Tak ada lagi cahaya suci
Semua nada beranjak aku terdiam sepi
Dengarlah matahariku suara tangisanku
Ku bersedih karena panah cinta menusuk jantungku
Ucapkan matahariku puisi tentang hidupku
Tentangku yang tak mampu menaklukkan waktu
Berjuta warna pelangi di dalam hati
Sejenak luluh terhening menjauh pergi
Tak ada lagi cahaya suci
Semua nada beranjak aku terdiam sepi
Dengarlah matahariku suara tangisanku
Ku bersedih karena panah cinta menusuk jantungku
Ucapkan matahariku puisi tentang hidupku
Tentangku yang tak mampu menaklukkan waktu
Dengarlah matahariku suara tangisanku
Ku bersedih karena panah cinta menusuk jantungku
Friday, April 17, 2009 | 0 Comments
Shadows fill an empty heart
As love is fading,
From all the things that we are
But are not saying.
Can we see beyond the scars
And make it to the dawn?
Change the colors of the sky.
And open up to
The ways you made me feel alive,
The ways I loved you.
For all the things that never died,
To make it through the night,
Love will find you.
What about now?
What about today?
What if you're making me all that I was meant to be?
What if our love never went away?
What if it's lost behind words we could never find?
Baby, before it's too late,
What about now?
The sun is breaking in your eyes
To start a new day.
This broken heart can still survive
With a touch of your grace.
Shadows fade into the light.
I am by your side,
Where love will find you.
What about now?
What about today?
What if you're making me all that I was meant to be?
What if our love had never went away?
What if it's lost behind words we could never find?
Baby, before it's too late,
What about now?
Now that we're here,
Now that we've come this far,
Just hold on.
There is nothing to fear,
For I am right beside you.
For all my life,
I am yours.
What about now?
What about today?
What if you're making me all that I was meant to be?
What if our love had never went away?
What if it's lost behind words we could never find?
What about now?
What about today?
What if you're making me all that I was meant to be?
What if our love had never went away?
What if it's lost behind words we could never find?
Baby, before it's too late,
Baby, before it's too late,
Baby, before it's too late,
What about now?
Friday, April 17, 2009 | 0 Comments
Jason Mraz - I'm Yours
Well-a you done done me and you bet I felt it
I tried to be chill but you're so hot that I melted
I fell right through the cracks and now I'm trying to get back
Before the cool done run out I'll be giving it my bestest
And nothing's going to stop me but divine intervention
I reckon it's again my turn to win some or learn some
I won't hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait, I'm yours
Well open up your mind and see like me
Open up your plans and damn you're free
Look into your heart and you'll find love love love
Listen to the music of the moment, maybe sing with me
I love peaceful melody
It's your God-forsaken right to be loved loved loved loved loved
So I won't hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait, I'm sure
There's no need to complicate, our time is short
This is our fate, I'm yours
I've been spending way too long tricking my tongue in the mirror
And bending over backwards just to try to see it clearer
My breath fogged up the glass
And so I drew a new face and laughed
I guess what I be saying is there ain't no better reason
To rid yourself of vanities and just go with the seasons
It's what we aim to do, our name is our virtue
I won't hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait, I'm sure
Open up your mind and see like me
(There's no need to complicate)
Open up your plans and damn you're free
(Our time is short)
I look into your heart and you'll find love love love
(I'm yours)
Listen to the music of the moment, maybe sing with me
(I won't hesitate no more, no more)
I love peaceful melody
(It cannot wait)
And it's our God-forsaken right to be loved loved loved loved loved
(I'm sure)
Open up your mind and see like me
(There's no need to complicate)
Open up your plans and damn you're free
(Our time is short)
I look into your heart and you'll find love love love
(I'm yours)
Listen to the music of the moment, come and dance with me
(I won't hesitate no more, no more)
I love one big family
(It cannot wait)
And it's our God-forsaken right to be loved loved loved loved loved
(I'm yours)
Friday, April 17, 2009 | 0 Comments